
Information on how to access and SELF-REFER into the Adult (Over 16's) MUSCULOSKELETAL PHYSIOTHERAPY service


The service consists of 3 main options:

  1. Face to Face physiotherapy Access Clinic
  2. Self- referral via phone
  3. Self referral via paper for

Face to Face physiotherpay Access Clinic

The physiotherapy service are trialling a new physio access clininc. This is a face to face assessment clinic that will initially be held in Port Talbot Resource Centre (SA12 7BJ). Appointments will be 20 minutes duration and must be booked prior to arrival. Booking information can be found in the link below. Appointments will be availiable for 2 days in advance. If the clinic is full, we offer alternative phone call assesments which are detailed below. 

Physiotherapy Services


Self referral via phone 

Phone Physiodirect service. Leave a message with your name, date of birth and contact number and you will receive a call back. Please note caller ID may show a private number. 

Neath Port Talbot - 01639 683167 or 683168, Monday to Friday 9.00am to 13.00pm (excluding bank holidays)

Swansea - 01792 487453, Monday to Friday 9.00am to 13.00pm (excluding bank holidays)


Self Referral via Form:

You can refer yourself for physio by filling in one of the forms below. Once you have completed the form, it can be posted, to physiotherapy department at either Neath Port Talbot, Singleton or Morriston Hospitals, where you will then be put on the waiting list. The forms are in the links below:

Neath Port Talbot Self referral form

Swansea Self Referral form